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Have you ever wondered why you feel you have known a person for a life time when you only met them 'minutes' ago - or why you feel that you are like a parent to your own partner or a sibling? Do you feel you always get involved with very similar partners with whom you re-create similar relationship patterns?

Here's a brief guide to Karmic Astrology:

"Karmic Astrology is concerned with the soul's evolution. The birth chart is our guide to our past lives, karmic lessons and present life purpose. By understanding our karma we can take personal responsibility for our life. Karmic Astrology can therefore be a valuable tool for our spiritual progress".

(Tanya Hitchcock -

In Karmic Astrology I work with the understanding that the continued resolution of karma gives us the tools to unfold our life-path.

Astrology as such is an instrument drawn upon for centuries that makes use of the symbolic language of the planets and their interchanges. The astrologer looks at a given stellar constellation to gain understanding of a client's possible karmic blockages or potential that can hinder or aid the unfolding of their life purpose.

As a firm believer in reincarnation, I have come to view the natal chart as our very personal karmic 'blue-print'. Through the means of karmic astrology this 'blue-print' can be read like an intricate map that encompasses the past as well as our future potential. The soul throughout many life times accumulates as well as redeems ‘karmic charges’.

Brief guide to a soul’s journey & questions about KARMA:

Before the moment of birth, a soul decides to be born into a very particular 'time-quality', so it can carry on working on very specific problems that could not be resolved in previous life-times.

At the very instant we take our first breath we fully incarnate on the physical plane to carry on our journey. The natal chart reflects this moment in time; a particular constellation of the planets, which in turn resonates with the life task ahead as well as with particular past-life patterns that are carried over.

I often in discussions come across the opinion that KARMA is something bad, punitive, fated or retributive along the lines of 'An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth'. Yet KARMA from my point of view ought to be regarded as something unique and positive as it gives us a chance to learn from our mistakes. Of course I agree that life as such is far from being a continuous fairground ride, and from experiencing of numerous spontaneous past-life recalls from studying clients’ charts I have learnt that the incarnating soul always has a choice. Many a times I have 'seen' souls 'opting out' from earthly life at the last minute, deciding that they wish to prolong their sojourn on the none-physical plane until they brave a particular task on the physical plane again. Hence, I strongly believe that as souls we are on a journey that encompasses free will as well as determination.

Contrary to the common belief that life-times are remembered or read by the astrologer in a linear way like pearls on a string I have learnt from experience that a birth chart reflects particular patterns of problems that can make reference to a life-time in Mesopotamia as well as to another life-time at the turn of the century. What is important to the incarnating soul is that it has chosen a moment in time with other incarnating souls, i.e. their current family or partners to ‘re-create’ a similar scenario so it can carry on resolving carried over issues from Mesopotamia and the turn of the century within this life-time.

Often clients have asked me why we do not all remember past-lives or why we have forgotten a very particular skill like being a very gifted pianist and so forth.....And in this respect my answer always is: “Imagine you would everyday remember what you have done from infancy?! Would you still be able to focus on tasks and schedules ahead? The ‘Veil of Forgetting’ has the same purpose concerning past-lives. How could we concentrate on a particular life task if we remembered all our previous life-times and experiences we had throughout the centuries? The rule of thumb is: If we do not remember it, it is not important to our life-purpose right now. If we do remember than it is important for this particular life-time.

Relationships & Karma:


I have long since thought that all our significant encounters we make throughout our life time have a very specific meaning. Through the many relationship readings I have done, I have come to notice that the people we love most we often have the most trouble with. I strongly believe that one life-time is seldom enough to resolve specific relationship issues, hence we often meet people from the same soul-group whom we have unfinished business with over several life- times, so we can eventually 'resolve' our karmic task or lesson with a particular soul.

Often the people you knew in past-lives you meet again, but in a much different role. Being able to get a better understanding of the change in roles (a previous parent being a partner or sibling in a current life-time) is often a great aid to gain a better understanding of  a complex relationship.

The Soul-Mate & Soul-Group:

The question about 'the soul-mate' almost always crops up in readings.  

When I was a young teenage girl I always dreamed about meeting my soul-mate, the one that I had known for centuries, the one that I will recognise in a split second among hundreds of people.....and once we meet, our perfect and very old love will endure throughout many more centuries.......

At around that time I remember reading a book on reincarnation that completely upset my emotional apple-cart as it talked about the 'Soul-Group' and 'Dual-Soul'. In a nutshell what the author of the book was saying was that within our soul-group we have many soul-mates, and that as such we have to through many life-times integrate the 'Dual-Soul' or the 'Ying & Yang' within ourselves. This really baffled and upset me as it meant that there was no  specific 'Yang' to my 'Ying', no prince charming from the ages that will come and rescue me again within this life-time....For many years I still secretly hoped for my soul-mate and wished that so many authors, mediums and astrologers were simply wrong about their theories.....Well, I learnt throughout my life that these various authors and karmic astrologers were of course not wrong at all.

Now I am very glad to have met a few of my soul-mates as well as to know that we have a soul-group that we are vibrationally in tune with and part of. 

Everyone meets people in their current life who they knew in a different fashion in a past-life. Often these meetings are at first experienced as happy reunions accompanied by the euphoric feeling that we have finally found our soul-mate, but soon enough in most cases both people fall into relationship patterns that appear to crop up from nowhere. This 'falling into' relationship patterns always shows us that there is outstanding work to be completed. 



Karmic Astrology & Relationships

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